Do you have a Christmas gift idea for the academic on your list? The academic is the one who seems to be always studying. They care about their success in school and see it as a goal of theirs to be the best they can in their classes. Being an academic is a great thing, and the University of Mobile Store has multiple items to help and motivate the academic in your life. Here are just a few of the academic-related gift items you’ll find at The U.
Every academic needs a great backpack to lug around their books, notebooks and computer. This UM branded Under Armour backpack is water resistant to keep their essentials dry in the rain and can hold up to a 15-inch computer so they can have all they need for their classes.
This UM branded leather padfolio is perfect for keeping the academic’s schedule in line. There are multiple pockets inside to keep up with business cards from networking events, pens, and loose papers.
Every academic at some point needs coffee or tea to keep going during those long nights of studying. This UM branded mug is perfect for the hot drink of their choice.
Late nights studying can get very uncomfortable at times. This UM branded blanket can make your academic comfy and help those nights fly by.
Keeping up with all you have to do to be successful in school can be a struggle at times, but having a to-do list can help the academic stay on track and complete all assigned work. This planning pad can help keep track of your entire day, from your to-do list to your workout schedule.